Revenue Department
1)Revenue Department
Controlling on all matters
Government Land Projects, Departments
Additional requisition for other projects/Sanction cases
Cases regarding Encroachment legalization
Nazool land sanction cases
Nazool land sale permission
Bhogwatadar Class-2 land sale permission
Compensation cases regarding electric line passing through farm
Court cases
Correspondence regarding mutation grievances
leaving land, Landowner confirmation cases
Grievances of land measurments
Land matter grievances (excluding NA) for Talathi, RI, NT, Tahsildar, SDO
Lokayukta grievances (regarding above references)
Human rights grievances (regarding above references)
RTI applications (regarding above references)
Cases regarding the declaration as revenue villages to wadi/tanda having population more than 300
Treasury Trove Act 1878 cases
Land distribution under Dadasaheb Gaikwad scheme
Visit programs of Dist Collector to other Dist Offices
Record inspections in offices according to Divisional commissioners order as per Roaster
NA tax and Conversion tax of development permission of land regarding NA permission under Municipal Council jurisdiction
Provide Certificate for permitted land for development
Regarding distribution of all types of land to Serviceman /Ex-service man
Disposal of cases of Gaothan extensions
Tahsilwise fixation of NA rates, verification of proposals, submission of report to government
Taking followup of Hon Courts above cases in sub division
Regarding above cases forwarded to Revenue department through Revenue Commissioner
Case disposal and provide detail of above cases in RTI from sub division
Sending disposed cases to record rooms / destruction of old cases
Compilation as well as registering information regarding distribution of gov land to military man / ex military man
Cases regarding provision of Gov or Gaothan land for cremation
Sanction cases regarding Land division as well as compilations
Disposing of cases of Lokshahi din / MLC star questions / Non star questions
Disposal of above cases towards Govt and Revenue commissioners
Handling of correspondence of Forests rights acts cases
Regarding pending reference actions of credit and debit of Revenue sections issued by AG Nagpur
In addition, all work allotted by head of the office
Reference such as finish the common road ownership, galli etc
Send the presept related cases to Tahsil
Cases of clearing the encroachment on government land or legalise
Dispose with reference to Mah SC-SC commission
Forwarding applications to Tahsil
Complaisance of cases from RTI and Lokayukta
Complainances of Human rights cases
Assembly star/non star questions
Inward-outward section register
Leave register
Movement register
Telephone register
2)Revenue Record room
Here original revenue cases, Land acquisition cases from above all are send keeing in Record room as following manner.
Upto 30 years
Upto 10 years
Upto 5 years
Up to 1 year
As above all cases villagewise and Tahsilwise are keeping in Record room. From them, as per requirment of Nakkal (Record) section, these cases are provided. Record section provides certified nakkal (copy) to applicant and keep the original one back to record room.